Sunday, October 03, 2004

Dress code???? What do you think?

Do you think that we should have a dress code?

That is a question that most everyone would answer no to! until you see that it isnt that bad.
I had a dress code for 8 years ( 2pre-k through 5ht grade.) And I would have to say that sometimes I wish that we had one. It makes it so much easier to get up and get dressed in the morning. You dont have to worrie about what people think is popular, or what will look good, because everyone looks realitivley the same. And it really iliminates the whole sterotyping, because everyone looks the same so no one can make fun of your clothes, or if your not as rich as them.

It is really not that bad of a thing, it puts stucture into the schools. And also makes you concentrate more on what your studing then on what you look like, or on what your peers look like. It's really simple, all that would happen is you not being able to wear what you want, with in reason.

My dress code in my old school was as follows:

what girls can wear:
1. Navy blue, black or green pants.
2. No jeans
3. White, Navy blue or green polo shirts. ( a polo is a three button shirt with a calur.)
4. black swatch plaid skirts, they have to be as long as your finger tips. ( no shorter)
5. shorts form March 1st to the end or school.
6. shorts from start of school tell september 30.
7. white, black or green socks.
8. and the sweters are the schools colors and the mascot is on the right hand cornor.
9. on fridays it is free dress and the dress code is about the same as our schools.

What boys can wear:
1. The same
2.The same
3. The same
4. no skirts
5.The same
6.The same
8.The same
9.The same

I really think that some times it would just be way eiser to have uniforms, and it saves your parents alot of money.... and you would really like it when no one judges you because your clothes arnt as cool as theirs.



Blogger Kcrag said...

I really don't think that Uniforms are necessary. People will just change the Uniform to their liking. I do think that a dress code needs to be there. I think without a dress code the school will be worse. I would wake up and dread going to school more than I already do! I can't handle midrif, and all those things that we can't wear and can't look like. If everyone that wanted to dress bad did the school would be a scary place and I would not feel comfortable.

Kelsie Craghead

6:51 PM  

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