Monday, May 16, 2005

Ahhh the year is at an end.... and my grades suck

Holy crap, all this is getting so over whelming that I am just about to pop.... Really no joke. I am not clam. my grades are the worst that they have been all year, and I dont know why they got that way. Really There is no reason, but you probabley dont really care so anyways.

The wrighting contest that we had to do was kinda weird. I didnt really see why you wanted us to wright to a soldiger. But I guess thats just me. So, whats new with mr. thompson? Probabley nothing cause hes just allways busy with all of his work, correcting papers and doing the honors English... All that great stuff. Ha Ha. So last week you asked why we were losing speed in the term. Well that is probabley because we do not want to be in school anymore. We all want out and we are just trying to get buy the best we can. I have no clue why everyone else really is but thats my reason. So anyways I am going to get a really bad G.P.A Its going to be like a 3.5 and my parents would kill me. They really would.

And now in english I have my term project due and I havent even started. I really think that my life is going to come to an end. I dont think that I am going to make it through the rest of the days here at FFJH. to think that I have spent three years here and the last 10 days of three years are turning out to be the hardest. Oh well I really cant do anything about it. All I can do is do my best and try to work all of this out. See my term project in Gleed is about a revolutionary figure, and I dont even know who mine is. I really dont. I think that I am just going to do Martin Luther King. or someone like that. Cause I have no other people that I think are revolutionary. I would like to do the Special Ed, teachers but I never have time to go and interview them or anything like that. I would need pictures of them and everythig like that and I dont think that I have time. but mabey I could try. I really think that they are revolutionary figures. But I dont know I will have to see.

Well I am goin gto go now.

I think that should be about 500 words.
Lets hope



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