Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Testing! Is it good or bad?

I think that the testing going on at school right now is putting to much stress on us.

I really think that on testing days they schouldnt have us go to the other classes because then the other teachers expect us to have all our work in when we only have like 10 mins. in that class. I just really dont think that it is right! They should have each section of the test in that class, ( Science in your Science class, English in your English class, and Math in your Math class)
I really dont think that it is fare for us to have 10 mins in one class and like 30 mins in all of the other classes.

I would also like to state my oppinion on Tests in general and re-takes.
I think that Re-Takes are a great thing, but shouldnt you be able to re-take the re-take? I mean if you still dont get it on the retake, I think that you schould be able to do it one more time. I also think that if I were the teacher that I would set a deadline that all the students would have to take their re-take in, and then if they want to re-take that one then they have to get it done with in 3 days of their first re-take. I just think that you schould be able to do your best on everything! And not allowing re-takes could impose on that.

And I think that we shouldnt have tests, I mean isnt that what homework is? Every night we get homework sent home, and then in the morning we get tested ( correcting) to see if we did it right? And if they got bad on their homework, then you would know that they dont know what they schould know and you would be able to tell what they needed help on! I really dont think that there is any reason that you need to test us again on it!

What does everyone think? Please Reply I would really like to know what you think! RaeAnne

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

What the heck!!

You know I have had a really good day, until I came home!

I really dont like how some people think that they can just be really rude! Some people just think that they are so much better than everyone else! And they arnt ( and you will know what I mean if you go and read the comments on my last blog The Popularity thing im really only talking about the last one!) and it just makes you so mad that you just want to go and yell at that person! So what the heck!! That is what I have to say to that person! I also want to say that it is just not cool to be mean and I hope that you all know that! I just think that people need to think about what they are saying before they just go and be rude! Gal, its like they dont have any feeling about anyone else but them! And you know what I really dont think being "oppinuated" gives them and excuse to be rude. I mean state your oppion and then get on with it but you can state your oppinion in a nice way! You dont have to be rude!

Some people just make me mad ( I am not going to say names) but it was Quintana...... Opps did I just say a last name??


Monday, September 27, 2004

The lunchroom deal

Have you ever deen in the lunchroom, and you want to go sit by your friends but the whole table is full?? So you stand and wait for someone to get up when they are done eating? Well this happens to me almost everyday, and I have to speek my mind when it comes to this! You would think that people would find the curtisy to stand up when they are done and let you sit, even if they want to talk to their friends! I mean its not that big of a deal to stand a full inch from where you were sitting, so someone else that is eating can sit down! But you know there are alot of people out there that even though it really sounds weird, WONT STAND UP! And do you know how mad this makes me??? Well if you dont, it makes me really mad! Its like not getting up for a pregnant lady who needs a seat on the bus! its just plain rude! And I hope that those people ( and they know who they are) will get a freaking cule and learn some manners! I mean I am by far not the most polite person ( Angelina) so I am not trying to tell everyone that I am so much better than them! But i do know that right when I am done eating I will get up ( if someone is standing) and let them take my seat if they want it!! I mean I just think that it is so rude when you ask someone to please stand up so your friend could stand, and they just kinda look at you like they are way to good! One day i am just going to hand it to these people. I am going to tell them that I just think that they are rude and that they need to learn some people manners! And I want everyone that is going to reply to think about if this has happened to you! And I want you to tell me if your the one that needs the seat or if your one of the terribley snobby people that think that their royal butt needs a seat over yours? And I want everyone to be honest, so i know who to give a piece of my mind to, tomorrow at school! HAAA this makes me so mad just thinking about it! I think that you can understand only if it has happened to you! I mean like today I was standing at a full table with about 3 others standing by me! And we were all eating but then a girl at the end of the table was done, and I politley asked her if she could get up so everyone could scoot down and ONE girl could sit down..... And she just looked at me and said NO, I think that it was one of the rudest things that anyone has done! I mean she wasnt even really talking to anyone, she was just sitting there waiting for that perfect second when everyone that was standing to get done eating, and then she would stand! Dont you think that, that is just really rude? Because I know that I was about ready to go over there and pick her up and move her! I was just really mad. I didnt even want that seat for me, I was going to let one of my friends sit down. And it still made me really upset! I am not quite sure what she would have done if i would have actually confornted her? But next time I am not going to just bow out gracefully, everyone in that lunch room is going to know that I am the one that made that girl move. And i mean that. It wont be pretty!!! I just think that she needs to be more polite!! Thanks for listening to me and I really hope that everyone will walk away from reading this, feeling a little more cautious about being polite! RaeAnne

Saturday, September 25, 2004

My sister!

Today September 25 is my sisters birthday! She would be 25 but she passed away when she was 22 about 4 years ago.

I love my sister and I think that she has done some great stuff in her life!
she was Utah State Gymnist, she was a very good snow boarder, and she was the most loving kind person in the whole world!

When I think of my sister I think of many great things!

I love her tons and hope that I will get to see her again someday!


Thursday, September 23, 2004

The Popularity thing!!!

This subject makes me sooo mad!!!

I want everyone out there to take a look at them selves?....... K are you done?
well now I want you to think about every kid that you have talked about behind their backs?....... Done? Now I want you to take a look at these so called " popular" kids!! Have they really done any diffrent than you?

well I think that everyone has this blind fold on and all that it shows is their jelousy towards those who are more popular than them! And you know I think that the real reason that they arn't that popular is because they think that they cant be! I know that I make an effort to get to know as many kids as i can, I know that I will sit ( at lunch) with one group tell I get to know and like them and then I will move on to another group of people that i dont know and i will get to know them, even though i will keep up with the people that i just left, which comes to the moral of this whole essay! That popular people dont have to be mean to be popular they are usually just the ones that are willing to go sit with a new group and get to know them! People are jelouse of them because they THINK that they cant be like them!

See if you think that you cant be skinny ( if thats what you think popular is ) then you never will be! The first step in doing something in your life is knowing that you can!
So if you want to be beautiful,then make your self beautiful because if you feel great about your self then everyone else will notice that and they will want to be around you more!
I know that some of my best friends in the whole world have been them chubbier and the not as beautiful people in the bunch! but because they felt good about them selves they make me feel the same about them! Like i said in my last entry " Actions speek louder than words"

I also dont think that alot of people give the so called "Popular" people enougf credit! It is really hard to do what we do! Its not like your made popular over night! It takes getting to know each other and being excepted!

Everyone needs to just realize that until you get to know these people you cant judge them becuse it make you no better than what your making them out to be!


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Do actions speek louder than words?

Dont you wish that you could tell what everyone was thinking about you?

I know that I do, I always wonder what everyone is thinking about when you see them just staring off into space! Do you ever wonder?

I sometimes try to see if I can guess what they are thinking about and then I ask them and some times ( like every 1-200) I am right. Its pretty cool.
I think that alot of your thoughts can be told by the way that your acting.
Like if your nervous and you look away all the time when your talking to people it tells them that you could be uneasy. For instince when your mad and you look down at your fists and they are clenched. I think that alot of times people dont want to show alot of amotion so they think that they can just hide it inside, but what alot of poeople dont realize is that their actions speek for them.

I have also noticed that the people that are mean for no reason and make fun of kids are usually the more unsecure ones. So they have to lower everyone around them to make themselves look better. And the people that are really quite and reserved that dont talk back and are very respectful, usually think really high of themselves and the people around them.

So to answer my question I do think that your actions speek louder than words! You can usually tell what a person is really about or what they think of you and the people around them by the way that they interact with everyone!

When do your parents ever quit?

This artical is to all you kids out in the world who have parents who are constently hounding you to do thinkgs that you are allready going to do!!

So tell me if this sounds familer, " go do your homework" or " is ALL your homework done?" if it dose then keep on reading becuase I think that you will find this interseting!

So today I was on my way out to my office in my backyard ( its this little house with my computer and desk and a stero ect.) to do my homework, and my parents said to me as I was walking out the door " is all your homework done"? and I wonderd to my self does it ever accour to parents that we might be on our way to do our homework and since I have pretty good grades then I must be doing my homework! So I went out on to the Internet and I looked up on google search, why parents are constently hounding you? This is what I found out,

  1. Satisticks say that parents that hound ( or keep on asking the same question on a regular basis) are purley asking a question to remind you to do your homework and not to actually ask you if your homework is done.
  2. That kids with parents that hound are usually the ones that will come and retake tests and re do work if full credit is not given.
  3. that when a kid is hounded at home, then they leave and go to school they will still have that reminder with them all do to right down their homework so when the parent comes to ask if your homework is done then they can show them.
  4. They also say the 75% of kids/ teens who get hounded are the ones that grow up to be just like their parents and hound their kids.

So i guess that the moral to my story, is that if your parents hound you, now you can look at it in a good way or a bad way. Depending on your oppinion!

I would like to know what you think so reply to my blog so I can see what you think!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

My diet

WEll I hear from alot of people that I schouldnt be on a diet. But this is how i look at it!

I am not on a diet because I think that I am fat. I think that I need to lost only about 5 pounds for homecoming so I look better in my dress. I also think that I need to eat better, and thought that this would be a great way to acchieve bolth.

Here is what i can eat.

  1. Chicken ( only with out any toppings, has to be cooked right)
  2. Rice ( no added toppings such as butter ect.)
  3. Brockley ( no added toppings except for lemon juice)
  4. 100% juice ( can not be from concentrate has to be fresh with no added sugars)
  5. Pasta along with sauce ( it can have no butter or oils and the sauce has to be the light Prego with add vegitables)
  6. Vegitables ( any no frozen vegie that has no added toppings)
  7. Salad and dressing ( dressing can be the light kind, just in moderation)
  8. Water
  9. One serving of Dairy ( you can have milk or anything dairy but you need to watch how fatning it is. Also milk and dairy help you lose weight if taken in moderation)

this is my diet along with some excersise everyday

I know that everyone thinks that i scholdnt be on this diet but I thinkt that it will help me be healthier and look better.

see ya,

p.s it is really hard to keep this diet when everyone at lunch is eating really good fatning foods.


The sports in my Life

As everyone probley already knows I love soccer. I play it almost every other day.

When I think about soccer I think of a game that takes me to a whole nother world. I love everything about it. I love how you can get out all your anger on the other players on the oppsit team ( you all know what i mean). How you can feel in control when you have the ball, and when you score it is just such a great feeling you feel like you just helped everyone on your team and you just feel so great about your self.

I dont think alot of people know that i Snowboard but I will tell you a little about it and what I do and why I love it.

Some would call me nonfeminin for loving to snowboard and taking it so serusley.
But when i step on the that hill a whole nother peoson comes out fo me. I feel like no one can stop me from achiving what i want to do. When i start to go down the hill i somethimes think of my self as a professional and i try to act cool ( notice the word try)!!! LOL

well anyways i have gone a long way in snowboarding, Last season I took 1st in 9 out of 10 of my compitions. And i took 17th overall in Nationals ( that is every girl form age 11-18 in the Nation that snowboards and qualified for nationals) which was alot. It really meant alot to me when I achived that.

But I just wanted everyone to know what i did and why i did it. Hope you injoyed reading my lil autobiography.


Sunday, September 19, 2004

What my Weekend was like!

I had a unusuall weekend!!!

first i had my Boyfriend come and pick me up at my house and we went to his work! and then we went to a Party at his friends house, it was pretty interseting. We saw his ex girlfriend and she tryed to get in a fight with me she was all " come on fight me " but i was good and i said no that i didnt want to go as low as her!!! it made me feel pretty good. And then on Saturday i made dinner for my boyfriend and went to his work to give it to him. Then we left from his work to his best friends house and we watched something about Mary! Then On suday ( today) i got up and went to church, then i came home and took a good nap and then me and my mom and dad went to dinner. Then i came home and played with my new Kitten. Hope everyone had an interesting weekend like i did.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

My Boyfriend

My boyfiends name is Cameron Buck.

He is 16 years old.

He goes to layton High

He works at Everything a dollar

And I love him, you might ask why???
well I will tell you!!!
I love him because he is really nice to me and he has a great personality.
When i am with him we have fun constantley!
We have been together for alomost 3 months and we havn't gotten in one fight yet!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

My Best Friends

The best class to me is Peer Tutoring,

When i walk into that class and help everone I get a sence of fullfillment that i dont get from anything else that i do in my life. I think that that class is the most loving bunch of students that I have ever encountered. They are so loving and so willing to accept you for who you are and not by what you look like or how cool you are. They arnt concerned about that at all. When i first went to miss.Chauss to talk to her about becoming a Peer Tutor i was thinking that i was just going to be helping with the special ed. students, but they are much more than that. They are my friends becuase they know that i am there to help them and not to judge them. And i would recomend this class to anyone who thinks that they can do it. Its alot of work but it is alot of fun... And everyone there is alot of fun.


Stuff that i think schould change about everyday life

1. My #1 thing is Tests.
So do you ever have a teacher that says " ok class we are going to have a test on friday", and then they leave all the work and studing for that test up to you?
Well i really dont think that it is very nice of them because sometimes you dont even know what the test is going to be about, so you just sit there and blindly stare at your text book. I think that teachers schould give you a study sheet with questions that are similar or on the same subject as the subject on your test. Its their job to do that isnt it? If we schould have to take the time to sutdy and take the test then all they schould have to do is help you out!!! I just think that teachers like to give you bad grades, they say that they do everything to help you but i dont really think that they know what "everything" is, I could think of one hundred things that they havn't done to help me! At least in my point of view

2. My #2 thing is Parents saying that they know how it is to be a kid.
They don't they grew up in a totally diffrent century! They grew up when it was only ok for the guy to call the girl. They just dont know how it is to be a kid these days, when they were growing up they didnt have to deal with drugs, guns in school, and the constant threat of terrorism.
I think that parents need to realize that they have alot to learn form kids these days. And that they dont know it all.

3. My #3 thing is People that think that they are just to cool.
I think that the whole world ( even myself ) needs a reality check that they don't need to walk around acting like they are just so cool. They need to realize that there will always be room for improvment.

4. My #4 thing is People thinking that they can just get everything that they want without working for it.
People need to know that there is always going to be some one out there that is going to want it more than they do. Take sports for instance people think that since they go to practice thats all they can do to improve and that just because they show up that they are the best at what they do! But then you look at some of the real Olympians and they go and run everyday just because they know that just practing everday isn't enough. I think that everyone needs to realize that they will always have someone out there that is going to go that extra mile.

And last but not least.

5. My 5th thing is people not telling everyone that they love, how much they mean to them.
When my sister passed away I realized that I didnt get to tell her how much I loved her as much as i schould have. I think that if they whole world would tell everyone that they love, just how much they love them and appreciate what they do for them then the world would become alot nicer to live in. See the problem with some people is that they appreciate what others do for them but they dont tell them or show them, they just kind of take it for grantide. Then the other person that does everything for them feels like they arnt appreciated or loved and just stop doing what they were doing and then the other person gets all mad because they dont get taken care of anymore. I think that if the world would just start telling everone else how much they appreciate the little things in life, we would be alot better off.

bye RaeAnne Adams

The Blog of the Century

hey everyone
This is What I did today!!! I went to soccer practice and then I came home and did some of my homework ( thats why I am doing this) then I went and moved all my stuff back into my room because we are working on my room ( remodeling) and thats about it!! So do you know what I think is interesting, I think that, the whole thing with the rocket is pretty cool. But it is really sad that it crashed and now we cant even tell what it got from the solar winds. I also that it was really cool that NASA was going to have stunt plane flyers catch the rocked with a litle stick thing!! I really thought that was interseting! I also thought it was pretty intersetion that it took them five years to practice for something that didnt even work! It would be really hard knowing that you put so much effort in to that and then having it just dimolished to little pieces just because the parachute didnt deploy! But I think that is enough for today! I hope that everyone is enjoying Honors English??

posted by RaeAnne @ 1:24 PM 0 comments

Hey everone

I dont really have anything to say so I will come back later.

posted by RaeAnne @ 1:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 09, 2004

hello world
Hello world I am RaeAnne and this is my first time ever doning anything that is this cool!! Its lots of fun! But I dont know if I am doing this right??? I hope that I am. There are no really clear instructions, but oh well I think that I will get the hang of it. Hey Honors English Class, I want to say hi And i hope that everyone likes this class because i do.....

posted by RaeAnne @ 2:04 PM 1 comments