Sunday, November 28, 2004

What happened to me!! Just so you dont have to ask me/.

What happened you might want to ask?
well if you read this then it will tell you.

I will start at the begining.
I have been having back pains for about 3 years now and my mom and I decided that it was time to go into the Chryoparcter and get it looked at and fixed.
So we went in. When we went in and told them everything that had been going on they said that they could easily fix me. So they decided that they needed to take some X-rays.
They also asked me to come back the next day.
So when I came in the next day they had gotten my X-rays back and said that I have Sacrilliaidus in my hips, which means that the nerve that runs along your hip bone ( your sacrum) is inflamed and that I have to get cortizome shots in them to fix it.
They also said that I have acute arthuritus and that it can be stoped now so it does not become worse.
Then the worst came along.
They told me that they needed to take X-rays of my neck so that they can see my whole spine to determine if my back problems were caused by something else.
So they did.
When we got those back, is when everything really bad started to come out.
They told me that I had broken my neck and that a piece of my bone was just floting in my neck and that my neck was so badly compressed that it would massive readjusting and mabey even surgery! They also said that I could not snowboard or play soccer or run for that matter until next year.
So they put me in a neck brace that i have to wear for 10 days until I can get put into my halo.
They also said that I have artheritus in my neck and that it can also be stoped.
When I asked them to adjust my neck and back they said NO and that no one should touch my neck because all they have to do is move the piece of bone that is broken about 2 centermeters and it would sever my spinal cord and paralize or kill me! WOW that is scary! So I am stuck in this stupid neck brace and then a Halo for forever! And I have to go to therapy EVERYDAY.

Here is my schedule for thereapy

first I go in and see the Doctor
then I go with the nerse and she does Electrolisis on my back and neck to relieve the spazums that my muscles are having.
Then she does this weird ultasound thing on my back the relaxes the muscles.
Then they ice me for 10 mins
After all that I go to the Physical Therapy room, and do some streches.
Then the doctor comes back and pokes my neck and maybe takes some more X-rays to make sure that everything is going OK.
about now I have been there for about 3 hours
and all I have to do now is go and get the activator on my back. its this little thing that clicks on my spinal cord and moves the vertabray back into place. its kinda like poping your back.
I do not get that on my neck.
well over all I am at the Chryoparcters for about 4-5 hours depending on what they have to do.

Also I am on so much pain meds that I can barley function, so if you see me and I cant remember your name I am sorry but its the meds.

Well I hope that everyone will read this so I dont have to explain it to every person that I see.


Sunday, November 21, 2004

What did you do this week? Cause I will tell you what I did.

SO what did you do?
Did you have a good week or a bad week?
did you go and have fun or did you just go and sit around.

Well I will tell you what I did and see what you think..


Monday was the worst day of my life, I had just come back from being sick and I had a ton of missing things. It was a really hecktic day.

I went to tuttoring after school and got in a BIG fight with my mom, it really sucked becuase it was over the stupidest things in the world. And I didnt get anytime with my tutor becuase we were fighting and she was having to talk to us bolth, and be the mediator. Since I didnt get anytime with my tutor that meant that I did really bad on the test in math with means that I am going to have to retake it this week.

well monday sucked but lets see about tomorrow.


On tuesday, I had a bunch of things to turn in because I had be told of everything that I had missing in all of my clases and it was all due today! So I turned everything that I had done in, and then tryed to get caught up in the lesson that everyone else was being taught in class.

After school I say my boyfriend but not for that long wich really sucked, and then I ate dinner wich was pretty good.

At the end of the night me and my mom were alot better becuase we resolved our fight that we had yesterday and we bolth had some bonding time.


On Wednesday, it was my boyfirend's dads birthday, so I didnt get to see him at all witch really made me sad. When I cant see him for a whole day I get really sad.

At school everything was pretty much back to normal, but everthing still kinda sucked becuase its school and you cant get anybetter then what it already is.

After school I went home and sat there for ever thinking about what I was going to do about all of my term projects that I need to get started on. Oh and I also was thinking about the shakerspear lines that I need to get memorized ( those are really hard).

My boyfriend and I talked on the phone for a very long time, since we didnt get to see each other that day. I think that we talked for about 2 hours.


Thursday sucked really bad because I thought that I was going to get to see Cameron ( my boyfriend) for a long time but it turned out that I only got to see him for like an hour.

And then he told me that I was going to get to see him on Friday like all day.
but guess what DIDNT HAPPEN.


Everything was really good at school, I didnt really have that much homework for the weekend, and I didnt really pay any attention to school what so ever.

So after school Cameron came and picked me up from school, and we went to my house and hung out for a while, then he had to go home and take care of his little brother for a while. And he was suposto come back over after, but It never happended.

So he called me and told me that he was on his way over to my house and that he would be there in a little bit. And then he showed up, and was there for about 10 min and then he told me that he had to leave and that i wouldnt be able to see him until really late. And that made my whole night just suck.

so he left and he came back at like 8:00 and it made my day better.



Except hang out with cameron and watch T.V


I went to church and then went and bought some clothes. And spent from 2-6:45 with cameron, It was alot of fun.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Being sick! it really sucks.

hey everyone out there in blog land,

I want you to all know that being sick really and truely is not very pleasant.
I have been sick since Sunday night, and this is the first time that I have gotten out of bed since then, and now my whole world is really un organized and really really out of sinque.

Every thing about this whole week in school I have missed. I think that i am just going to crawl into a little hole and cry becuase I have so much to make up in school and I will be staying after everyday for the next 2 weeks. Trying to salvage what is left of my grades.

I think that when your gone for more than 2 days that teachers should stop counting you as missing just not put that paper that you missed on the scoring sheet for you. and just give you like a excused or somthing.

That would be really really cool.

It would also be very nice if all the teachers could start posting everything that they assigned on the internet. so that i could know what i have to get when I got to school, it would be really helpful.
There are alot of things that i could tell the teachers to do better when it comes to kids being absent. like since i was gone for a week, none of my stuff schould be turned in untill then end of next week. But of course everything has to be in the next day or it is late.

I dont think that, that is very hair. Becuase I have not gotten the insturnctiont aht everyone else has gotten. And that makes it harder for me to do the same thing as everyone else, with less nolage.( i dont know how to spell that word, so sorry MRT.)

well i am not feeling to well, so i am going to go back to bed.
the only reason that I got out in the first place is that I knew that I had to have this in by the end of the week.
So i will see you all soon I hope.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Friends!!! are they really what they seem?

Hey everyone,

you might have noticed that all of my blogs are more like newspaper articles! I always talk to the reader and ask you questions to think about so you can relate to my SA's, so here is another one of those. This time I think that everone can relate to my paper, so read it and then reply to it if you feel the same way, or if you feel different.


So, have you ever had a friend that will play like they are your friend when its just you and him/her? Then when they are around their other friends they totally make it seem like your not cool enoughf, or they totally are mean to you? Well I am wondering if freinds are really what they seem.

Some times you will tell your best friends your secrets and then youll hear all about what you did from a totally different person! Or you will do something around them that you dont want alot of people knowing about and they toally go and tell everyone about what you did in front of them!

See I have this friend who seemed to be my friend until I asked her if she wanted to hang out with me and she said that she really didnt want to! This might make you say well thats no big deal, Maybe she just didnt want to hangout that day or she was in a bad mood! well let me tell you the exact question that i asked her and what she said in return and then you can decide what you think. We were righting notes to each other in 6th period when I asked her when she thought that we could hang out and she said that she didnt really know, and then I wrote back to her and said " you dont really want to hang out with me do you!" and she replyed by saiying " Honestly NO i dont, Sorry ;(" and then she just didnt talk to me for the rest of the class.
See and this same girl is always kind of weird when its not just me and her, talking. What I mean is that when I will come up and talk to her when she is around her friends I totally get a different kind of person, she is mean and is all sarcastick! its like she wants to be my friend when she has no one else around to talk to!

So anyways back to my title, Are friends really what they seem to be? Or are they what we want them to be, untill we see what they really are like.

And I know that there are a lot of people with best friends that are always really cool towards you and you can always rely on and all that great stuff, I would know I have one! But thats not the kind of friend that I am talking about, I am talking about the kind that you see in class and you sit next to because you think that they are really cool and nice to talk to!

Sometimes I wish that there were no such things as lies, I really wish that people didnt know how to tell you somthing that isnt ture, or put it off like they like you when they really dont.
I think that the world would be a better place.

Thanks a ton for reading my Blog/ News paper article ( I think that I am going to rename my blog The dalie RaeAnne). that one was for you MRT.


Friends!!! are they really what they seem?

Hey everyone,

you might have noticed that all of my blogs are more like newspaper articles! I always talk to the reader and ask you questions to think about so you can relate to my SA's, so here is another one of those. This time I think that everone can relate to my paper, so read it and then reply to it if you feel the same way, or if you feel different.


So, have you ever had a friend that will play like they are your friend when its just you and him/her? Then when they are around their other friends they totally make it seem like your not cool enoughf, or they totally are mean to you? Well I am wondering if freinds are really what they seem.

Some times you will tell your best friends your secrets and then youll hear all about what you did from a totally different person! Or you will do something around them that you dont want alot of people knowing about and they toally go and tell everyone about what you did in front of them!

See I have this friend who seemed to be my friend until I asked her if she wanted to hang out with me and she said that she really didnt want to! This might make you say well thats no big deal, Maybe she just didnt want to hangout that day or she was in a bad mood! well let me tell you the exact question that i asked her and what she said in return and then you can decide what you think. We were righting notes to each other in 6th period when I asked her when she thought that we could hang out and she said that she didnt really know, and then I wrote back to her and said " you dont really want to hang out with me do you!" and she replyed by saiying " Honestly NO i dont, Sorry ;(" and then she just didnt talk to me for the rest of the class.
See and this same girl is always kind of weird when its not just me and her, talking. What I mean is that when I will come up and talk to her when she is around her friends I totally get a different kind of person, she is mean and is all sarcastick! its like she wants to be my friend when she has no one else around to talk to!

So anyways back to my title, Are friends really what they seem to be? Or are they what we want them to be, untill we see what they really are like.

And I know that there are a lot of people with best friends that are always really cool towards you and you can always rely on and all that great stuff, I would know I have one! But thats not the kind of friend that I am talking about, I am talking about the kind that you see in class and you sit next to because you think that they are really cool and nice to talk to!

Sometimes I wish that there were no such things as lies, I really wish that people didnt know how to tell you somthing that isnt ture, or put it off like they like you when they really dont.
I think that the world would be a better place.

Thanks a ton for reading my Blog/ News paper article ( I think that I am going to rename my blog The dalie RaeAnne). that one was for you MRT.


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Do you really think that your parent know what best?

So when everyone tells you that your parents know whats best, do they really?

Think about it....

K have you thought about it? Becuase I think that when it comes to some things, they do know what is best for you. becuase they have been through that experence, but what about those things that they have never been through?
I know that kids are growing up at a faster rate then they did when they were younger. And that makes our generation experence things in a whole different way then they did.
They were experenceing things when they were older, so the situations were different, but when you experence them where your younger the situation ( bad or good) is in a whole different perspective!
When I hear of some of the things that my parents tell me, it really makes me think, are they trying to talk to me about something that they THINK that they know alot aobut! But sometime I think that they dont really know how I feel. I am sure that it was the same way when they were kids. They probabley thought that their parents didnt understand where they were coming from. And maybe they didnt! so that is what I am asking you, do you really think that parents try to give us advice from personal experence or from their common sence of what they THINK that they know about being a teen in 2005. some times I think that they want me to be better off so they lie to me so that I wont have to experence some of the bad things in life. I am not saying that it is bad that they try and protect me, but all I am saying is that they need to try and understand wher I am coming from. For example, my parents tell me that girls really shouldnt call the guys. They say that if he really wants to talk that he will call me, but what if I really want to talk to him? Am I suposto wait for him to call me? See, in this day in age I think that it is very normal for the girl to call the guy. But my parents dont think that it is the lady like thing to do.

So I guess that this is one of the things that I will realize when I get older...... ( or is that just what they wnat me to think)?????

see ya
Rae Rae