Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Peace Builders

I am going to do my Peace Builders paper on Penny Baxter.

There are many qualities that are known as peacebuilding and the right thing to do.
Penny Baxter has many of these qualities. He is honest and he dosnt ever want to kill anything unless it is going to kill him or he needs it for food. He is usually in good temper and is never violent.

Penny is a very good father, he has rules that Jody has to folow, but he is also very loving and forgiving. He was always there for Jody and always wants him to do the right thing to help the family. He loves his family and is always thinking of what is right for them. Penny B. is a very kind person and is always going to be there for the people that are around them.

Penny is a very honest person. When he took the dog to the forresters to trade it for a gun, he didnt lie to them he just told them his oppinion. He never lied to Jody about the fawn or about his mother. Penny was always there for Jody when he needed him to be, and when Jody needed to kill flag Penny was not betraying him he was just telling him that it was the right thing to do for the family and that he didnt want to do it but if he had to he would.

Penny never wanted to fight with the forresters but when he had to for Oliver he thought that it was the right thing because he didnt think that it was right for all of them to fight one person, he also never wanted to be their rivels, he always wanted to be neighborly and be friend.

Penny was a very nice man to the forresters and for the matter the rest of the world. He never really got mad at anyone and never was dishonest. I think that there are many things that define what a peace builder is, and I think that he had all of those charasticks. He is a very good man and I think that alot of us should take a look at him and start to act and think like him. Penny Baxter is a very good person and I think that he is a peacebuilder.

RaeAnne Adams

Friday, December 24, 2004


Dear Mr. T:

I am so sorry that I have not jet got my peace builders essay done.
I am doing it but it is taking forever because I am always so busy, with my family..
I reallly dont want you to get mad, so I promise that It will be there Monday night.
Sorry again....

I am not clam about this.


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The only thing that I have left in my life is this letter.

To: my special someone.

There comes a time in our lives when we are all faced by hard decisions and we might not know what to do. I think that there are valuable lessons learned in every little thing in our lives, weather they are good or bad. I don’t think that I can bring my self to tell you how strong a feeling I feel for someone in my life. This person is so special to me that I can not write a word that would have the same significance of this feeling inside of me that I have for this one special someone. Some times I get in a situation where I don’t know what to do. I don’t know weather to be mad or to feel like crying all day long. So I guess that you could say that I am stuck in the middle some where. I want to go to some one and ask them what I should do. But I know that they will not look at the situation like I will, they would judge him until he would no longer feel like he is welcome. So I fell very alone, I feel like there is no one that I can turn to because the person that I would usually go to is the whole reason that I need someone‘s guidance. It is kind of ironic. But all the same I feel like I have no one.

When I think about why this has happened I cant find a reason. I don’t know why he didn’t just stop and think, and I don’t know why I wont very be able to an answer that question. I feel like I come second. And it comes first. I feel as if it is wanted more than I am. That might not be true because I am usually the one that is there and usually the one that is taken, but when the other one comes around, it seems as though it was taken with out any thought of me. As though I was not in his mind any longer, I was just thrown out with all of the other things that were not important at that moment. Then the next moment rolls around and it comes back to me that I had come second again. I think that in that moment where I feel that I have come second is when I feel the worst. I feel as if everything around me is so much more important and so much more valuable than I am. As I stand back and evaluate the situation I think to my self that there is some way or some thing that will make me feel better. But honestly, I think that only time can heal things that are so close to my heart. There are many ways that I have of coping with such things. One being that I just stop caring and move on to the next thing in my life. But in the situation I don’t think that I could even think about doing that. I need him to be in my life to much.

I don’t know weather to think that this is the beginning of the end, or if it is just a new start of a very valuable lesson. I don’t know what I am going to do if I am not helped through this one….. I think that I can make it but that it will take so much of me that I will not be able to think of anything or anyone else. And I don’t want that to happen. All I want is to get through this one, with the one that I love. So I think that at the time when I face the hardest decisions in my life that it is the time where I am going to need to be the strongest, and not let myself slowly slip away. I am bigger than that and I can get through this with out hurting myself or anyone around me.

RaeAnne Adams

Monday, December 13, 2004

Mr. T here is my Letter to the author! I hope that it is good....... but I am Clam

To: Marjorie Kinnian Rawlings
From: RaeAnne Adams
469 South Flint St. Layton Ut.
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Letters About Literature 2004-2005
Competition Level III
Post office box 609
Dallas, PA 18612
The yearling
The Yearling has been a very persuasive book in my life. It has made me think about how I could be living my life, and that makes me greatful. I really think that I can relate to Jody because with out my pets I could feel very lonley, all of my neighbors don't really like me so It is hard to make friends where I live, so at times it can get very boring or like I live in the middle of no where. I really think that this book has effected me in many ways. One of the major was that your book has effected me is that it has made me very greatful for all of the technology that we have today. For instance if Penny would have had our hospitals back then, he would not have come so close to dieing, and Fodder-wing would have not been as mangled because he could have gotten casets when he fell of the roof. Your book has also effected me in many ways with my family, it has made me think that I dont really do enough to help my mother around the house and that I need to have a better relationship with my father.
I really think that a major part of the book that effected me was all of the death of siblings, and of close people. Even though there really wasnt that much I think that I can relate to all of the close calls ( when Penny almost died) and all of the real death ( when Fodder-wing passes away and all of the siblings that Jody had that died.) I can relate so well because my sister has passed away, and when this happened I didnt greive for a long period of time, like Jody has done. Finally I came to turms with my sisters passing and it was a really hard thing to do but I realized that she would not want me to be sad, but happy that she is now in a better place.
This book has really moved me in many ways. It has helped me be more appreciative of what I have and of the few things that I have to so for my mother. I really think that this was a wonderful book. I also think that when people read this book that it will be able to reach out and effect many different types of people, because of the different types of situations that the characters run into along their way.
RaeAnne Adams

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Christmas Is it good or bad?

Well I want to know the answers to this question. Because I dont know what to do, well let me explain my story.

Me and my boyfriend have been buying our christmas presents for each the past couple of days, and at first we set our spending limits at sixty dollars for each person, then I ended up spending more than we agreed and he got kinda mad and started spending more money then he should have.

so now I have to spend more on him, and he made me think that he got me a ton of stuff and made it seem like everthing is so great so now I have to go and get him some really cool stuff so that he feels like I got you a lot of stuff.

Ha ha I am so sneeky.

Well I am Clam.......... And if your not familiar with our little inside joke then you will want to know what I mean by that, well here is the story and I want to tell you all about it. So I was typing really fast and I wanted to type that I was calm and I typed CLAM.

Well I really have nothing to type about so I think that I am going to go and come back later, and type later.

See ya

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Oh my heck I am Clam!

ha ha Mr. Thompson I know that you and I have this inside joke and it is pretty funny.

But really I am Clam, Now that everything is done and I can get onto my blog. But you know what worries me is that it is just my computer or just me! but I will be clam about it.

So anyways for anyone else that is reading this I want you to know that I dont really think that I am a clam, but when I type really fast I some times get the letters in the words all mixed up, and when I posted on the board I mean to say that I am calm, but I typed I am clam. So now instead of saying that I am calm I am going to say that I am calm.

Well My week was really good! Well at least parts of it.

Some of it suked cause I had to get this thing worked out with my boyfriends mom and he was not being cool at all. She was saying that I see Cameron to much and that he has to be well rounded and that I need to be to, but when I explain to her that I am not just sitting on my couch and doing nothing when he comes over, and that we usually go places and see people, and that we do sometimes and I mean on occasion we hang out with his friends. But she wants it so that I can not see him every second every day of the week! But thats not the way that I want it and I dont think that It is fair. I really want to be able to see him every second of my life.

So I think to solve this situation we are going to go and hang out with his friends more so she dosn't think that we are so selective in our dating. When I think about this sitation I think that it isn't really as bad as I make it. But also she does go over boar with the whole situation.

Well, on a new situation I need to get better grades.

I really try to get everything done but it seems like every term it gets harder and you get more and more swamped with things to do. Some times it gets so over whelming that I have to take lates on my assignments for the later period in the day. ( I do my homework pertaining to the order of my classes, so that if I need to I can work on my homework for 6th in 5th period). So when I think about this I think that teachers should not make the curriculm harder as the term goes buy. And I know that teachers dont pick the overall curriculum but they can pick what to assign and so forth and so on.

My mom is being Kinda Ronchie latley.
She thinks that everything that I do is Wrong. I dont think that its that way but it seems to me that she can always find some thing to correct that I do. I really dont want to have to get all mad at her and then have her be all mad, but it is really hardwhen she sits there and is yelling at me cause she thinks that I could do something better. But I know that alot of the time I am not perfect but she is always pointing that particular point out to me. Its never helpful criticisuml, and if it is I really dont see it cause she is always yelling at me and telling me that I am being mean. I dont want her that way, I want her to be all nice and like a mother should be to her daughther, NICE. Its like she is always telling me that I am not good enough.

Well I cant really think of anything elso that I need to say, so if I can think of something later on tonight when I am at home, then I will post it again.

see Yall